
  Image Type:  Dermatomyositis    Body Site:  Skin  Description  It is an idiopathic inflammatory myopathy affecting both children and adults. It primarily involves the skin and …

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Swan neck deformity

Image type:      Swan neck deformity  Body site:          Fingers  Description: Swan neck deformity is a condition that affects the joints in the fingers, leading to serious …

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Ischemic -Vasculitis thrombosis

Image type: Ischemic -Vasculitis thrombosis Body site: Fingers Description: Thromboembolic disease is increasingly recognized in systemic vasculitis, particularly with venous thrombotic events (VTEs) in Behçet’s …

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Image Type: Vasculitis  Body Site:  Legs  Description:   Vasculitis refers to a group of uncommon diseases characterized by inflammation and damage to blood vessel walls. The …

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SLE malar rash

Image Type:   SLE malar rash   Body Site:        Face and chest  Description: A butterfly rash, or malar rash, appears as distinctive skin irritation resembling a butterfly …

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Scleroderma digital pits

Image type:    Scleroderma digital pits  Body site:        Finger, digital pits (tiny, indented areas in the fingertips that are typical of scleroderma)  Description:  Scleroderma, or systemic …

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Rheumatoid nodules

Image type:      Rheumatoid  nodules  Body site:          Hands  Description: Rheumatoid nodules, firm lumps under the skin, often appear near joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis (RA). These …

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Psoriasis and osteoarthritis

Image Type:      Psoriasis and osteoarthritis   Body Site:          Hands and legs  Description:   Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are prevalent forms of arthritis that often present …

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Image type:      Psoriasis  Body site:          Hands and palm   Description:    Psoriasis, a common skin condition, disrupts the life cycle of skin cells, causing them to rapidly …

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