First Round quiz on Scleritis by Rheuma Tv 11 First Round quiz on Scleritis 1 / 4The following are true with reference to scleritis except Scleritis is associated with blurring of vision rarely Scleritis with joint pain is more likely to have Systemic disease Episcleritis is usually beginning scleritis are commonly Caused by infection 2 / 4Sclero - malacia Perforance is Most Commonly Precedes arthritis Necrotising lesions with Inflammation Commonly seen in RA All of the above 3 / 4Following tests are useful ANCA ANA Anti-CCP All of The above 4 / 4Following Statement is not true Scleritis could be an early clinical Presentation of vasculitis Some drugs can Produce Scleritis Urine Routine is preferable in all patients with Scleritis None of the above Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Test your knowledge of scleritis through this multiple-choice quiz.Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestWhatsAppMorePrintSimilar Posts