Eye and Rheumatology Series – Interactive session

Rheumatology and Ophthalmology interactive series

  1. Inflammatory disease of the eye- Introduction
  2. Ocular surface inflammation- introduction
  3. Dry eye conditions
  4. Episcleritis and scleritis
  5. Uveitis- type, assessment, and other ophthalmology description for physician and rheumatologist
  6. Anterior uveitis
  7. Posterior uveitis
  8. Panuveitis
  9. Orbital inflammation
  10. Tropical eye drops, periorbital and intraocular injections, and other local immune modulators
  11. Ophthalmology investigation and interpretations to the rheumatologist
  12. Ophthalmological manifestation of Rheumatic disease
  13. Hydroxychloroquine related eye tests recommendation
  14. Monitoring and identification glaucoma symptoms in patients on steroid