Investigation in Rheumatology

Investigations in Rheumatology Series- 7 ANCA – Methods, Techniques & its role in Rheumatology
Dr. Renuka spoke about the ANCA testing methods and technology like Indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF), Antigen-specific ELISA, and chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) and other new emerging

Investigations in Rheumatology Series – 6 (MRI in Rheumatology)
Dr. Balakrishna Shetty discussed case studies on imaging (MRI) to learn the importance of detecting inflammation in various conditions. MRI is the imaging of

Investigation in Rheumatology series-5
Dr. (Lt General) (Prof) Ved Chaturvedi discussed the diagnostic utility of ultrasound in Rheumatology and its application in synovial fluid hypertrophy, bone erosion, tendon disease,

Investigations in Rheumatology Series 4: Conventional Radiology in Rheumatology by Dr. URK RAO
Discussion on how conventional radiology remains the core imaging technique in the evaluation of various rheumatological disorders by Dr. URK Rao. Conventional radiology remains

Investigations in Rheumatology Series-3
Discussion on technique, methods, and characteristic features of CRP ESR, NLR by Dr. Renuka. ESR is a prognostic test useful in monitoring inflammatory disease and